So it's been a long while since my last post hasn't it?! I can tell as I cant type properly haha! hang on give me a minute to get back into the swing of things.. so first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope you all had a great Christmas too. I've been meaning to get a new post up but I've just been so side tracked with Christmas and stuff. When I realised it's been like three months since my last post I thought oh my good lord Kerrie that is shocking!! You are a disgrace to the blogging society hahaha, but hey I'm back now and I'm going to be back blogging at least once a week about my usual make up, beauty & fashion posts. So for my first post of 2016 it's a good old little review. I do love a good review. (It gives me the opportunity to blabber on about something.) So yeah if you follow my Instagram you'll be aware I am a HUGE fan of winged eyeliner. My eyeliner I use is one I have used for many years. Yeah I've been rocking the winged eyeliner look since the likes of Lilly Allen & Amy Winehouse made it cool and trendy. Anyway.. it was from a brand available from Superdrug called 2True and its honestly amazing. I've used it for like 5 years. It's so easy to apply and achieve that really sharp wing all us girls love these days. But a few weeks ago I went into a few different Superdrug stores to pick some more eyeliner up and one of the assistants informed me that it had been discontinued. Safe to say I've been gutted since I heard that heart breaking news lol. So I thought well there's only one thing for it, branch out and try a new eyeliner. So I've bought about 6-7 different ones over the past few weeks some at what id class as a little pricey and none of them have impressed me. Then last week I was in my favourite shop in the world (well one of them) PRIMARK and I was having a little browse of their beauty section and I noticed they had liquid eyeliners for just £1!! So me being the little bargain hunter that I am thought I might as well purchase one and try it out, not expecting it to be any good like all the others I tried. Well what a shock I got, its SO GOOD!! it comes with quite a long thin brush which I like as I find it easier to apply and get that really fierce flick & it's also really black and spreads really evenly. Here's a few pictures i took of the finished result. (Btw ignore my little lashes, i gave my eyes a day off from the falsies. I felt bald all day :(...)
Primark PS... Beauty Liquid Eyeliner
How fierce is that wing? Oh heyyyyy...
So yeah as you can see it gives you really fierce, sharp wings if like me you like your eyeliner to be perfect then i definitely recommend this product to you. And at only £1 you cant complain about that can you?! So get down to your nearest PRIMARK stores & purchase one of these little beauties from the PS BEAUTY RANGE.
That's all for now my loves, speak soon!!
Mwah. xx